Read this blog...and change your life!

Welcome to 2011 and the rest of your life! What you do now, with the next ten, or fifteen, or sixty minutes...could mean everything. Reading this blog, is a slap, a jerk, a shock, a punch to the face, a FIST IN THE GUT. In these words, these images, these thoughts, lives the disease of "truthiness", the end of fear mongering, and the key to the de-evolution of "DECENCY"! These pictures, and words, and books, and films, and art, and culture, and every last aimed at undermining the Hegemonic Order. IT'S FINALLY TIME MY FRIENDS! IT'S FINALLY TIME TO PUT THE CULT BACK IN CULTURE!!!! Please...if you do nothing else today, read these musings. They will change your life...they your individualism. They may...

Sunday, January 16, 2011


The Crazies

In 1974 George Romero wrote and directed another cultural classic, The Crazies. It is a classic political diatribe about the Viet Nam war, and is both powerful and timeless. It centers on a small town in rural Pennsylvania, which unbeknownst to them, has been infected by a mysterious virus when their water system becomes contaminated. The government shows up, in force, not to help, but to contain. Anarchy ensues as the Army struggles to hold the line, and the trapped fight to escape. Making things, worse, or perhaps better, is the fact that the primary symptom of the disease is that it changes its victims into murderous psychotics. Ultimately, like all not-so efficient military operations, the shit hits the fan, forcing the wigs to push the button, and smash the problem into nuclear oblivion.

This movie reminds me of why all new shit is shit, done on a budget of less than half a million, it makes up production cost with real world locations, and real world political backdrops, not fabricated “good-ideas”. Narrative power is tied directly to the immediacy of the subject to the audience; in order for a viewer to “buy” in to you ruse, he needs to be sutured the things he his observing. Nothing, not hundred million dollar sets, or forces glycerin tears, or even pseudo under age sexuality, can guarantee authenticity…but authenticity can guarantee immediacy. Low budget, especially in film, can force truth and truth brings emotional and intellectual value.

In The Crazies, Romero rides many authentic things: real world actors, real world locales, and real world politics. All of which make this movie successful, far more successful than the shitty PG-13 Hollywood Tween mall flicks the execs shove down our throat every summer.

In particular, a scene I thought I owned, the crazed grandmother knitting, seated in her shit stained nighty, twirling, and twirling yarn, needles kneading hot air in little lobotomy-sized circles, until she ravels the yarn and has a man attached to the other end…a sick sight, one with some truth attached: we do keep old people locked up, even if they are crazy…sometimes when they’re not.

P.S. Oh yeah…one other thing…this movie also talks about military occupation…in particular…the way in which with dealt with Viet Nam. Many things about the “police Action” are demonstrated, from the way the protagonists are lead by two hi strung veterans, one regular grunt who is the more effective survivor but more unstable mind and a “Special Forces Hero” who is not all that heroic…to a complete replay of the infamous self immolation of the monk on T.V…this time acted out by a catholic under the influence of the situation. It all asks…would we be able to handle the war as solidly as the Vietnamese did…a war of occupation?

Final verdict: WATCH THIS MOVIE!

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