Read this blog...and change your life!

Welcome to 2011 and the rest of your life! What you do now, with the next ten, or fifteen, or sixty minutes...could mean everything. Reading this blog, is a slap, a jerk, a shock, a punch to the face, a FIST IN THE GUT. In these words, these images, these thoughts, lives the disease of "truthiness", the end of fear mongering, and the key to the de-evolution of "DECENCY"! These pictures, and words, and books, and films, and art, and culture, and every last aimed at undermining the Hegemonic Order. IT'S FINALLY TIME MY FRIENDS! IT'S FINALLY TIME TO PUT THE CULT BACK IN CULTURE!!!! Please...if you do nothing else today, read these musings. They will change your life...they your individualism. They may...

Thursday, November 17, 2011


I know this is late but WHO FREAKIN CARES!!!

So since this is my first Halloween with a blog…and because I love horror movies so GOD DAMN much…I have decided to do a top ten list…I know I know, top ten lists are terrible and I hate them…come to think of it…let’s do away with that idea altogether. Instead…let’s do a top 13 list and laugh as all the retards out there searching for top ten lists go take a flying leap…

Oh and by the way…no real logic to this…just some movies I’ve seen lately, some that I haven’t seen in awhile and ones I think you should see now…ALL GREAT HORROR MOVIES…ALL GREAT HALLOWEEN MOVIES…all great things to make you puke in your popcorn!


This movie is a recent one…a PG 13 one! And I have not only broken my golden rule of never watching mediocre ass crap, but I’m also recommending YOU brake a golden rule and watch this ass crap…because ultimately…this movie is not crap! Instead, this movie is filled with interesting shocks and twisty turns. I like the idea of THROWING the moral compass on the audience…should we treat, should we not treat, do you believe, should you believe? Anyways…nothing worse for a man ‘acting’ like a savior then to be called on as a savior…most turn and run, this guy can’t!

12. THE BLOB (The Eighties VERSION!)

When I was a kid this movie was perfect…a story where the bad kid wins, a town that should have listened and a very vicious version of the creature itself…horror should be vicious and the most of the death scenes in the movie are…also…the idea of the small town response to a mysterious threat is one of my favorite American ideas, a community of seemingly close neighbors forced to truly commit to “fellowship” in the defense of their home turf/normalcy. The best part of this is the end…a sinister vision of things to come: a disturbed and malformed religious zealot petting his little chunk of Blob-Hell.


Halloween 4 is a favorite of mine. Again, small town America can’t escape its genetic ties to Michael Meyers…he is relentless, and the fact that he comes on Halloween, blending in to the back ground of costumed hooligans lends a butchers knife edge to a somewhat played out holiday…no one is safe on a night when we are supposed to be living life unsafe…but not THAT unsafe. By the way, Halloween is another perfect movies series, full of boobs, death, dark nights and horrifying histories. Again, the end is a turn of camera when you realize that Michael Myers brings trauma, in all its wonderful forms…some stay for the short term, physically wiggling until the knife bleeds the heart silent, and some stay forever, emotionally embedding in all who look, don’t look, participate…even watch.


Night of the Demons is one of a handful of movies that I have watched more than 50 times…not because it’s particularly good, because it’s not, more like because when I watch it I am transported to every Halloween I wished I had been a teenager for: loose girls, mullets, goofy acting, and houses no one is supposed to be in…I love this movie…it soothes my soul you could say…it takes place on my favorite day, it has copious tits and ass, and violence, glorious violence…my favorite scene is when Lennia Quigley bones the “Prep” douche and asks, “Am I pretty?” Little does he know, she is infested with a demon, and also impregnated by her own lipstick?


I love malls. I love ZOMBIES! I LOVE ROMERO!!!!

…I love realistic zombie movies that are set in malls and directed by Zombie geniuses and are filled with over the top special effects by the make-up mastermind, Tom Savini. The best dead movie by far…the truth of this movie is in the speed…fast zombies are great for cheap theatre thrills…but slow ones are excruciating…time ends up being just as threatening to the ‘survivors’ as the blood thirsty hunger of the undead…Time, enough time to do what humans do when confronted with a threat…think, ponder, assume and decide…or maybe wait…decision and indecision are equally detrimental in this movie…and in life?


Not many things are scarier than real life fuckin wackoes…and nothing is more whako then the little town of West Memphis Arkansas, which by the way…I have been to. A little quaint burg where witch hunting still exists and the largest business is the Flying J truck stop…Please…if you listen to anything I say, listen to these words: WATCH THESE DOCUMENTARIES AND REMEMBER…that it can happen to you.


This movie is a classic for me…one a series of classics really…all set in the doom and gloom of a cemetery, which is actually an inter-dimensional battle ground! The Tall Man is an evil force of nature…and the balls, the glorious steel orbs of brain drilling anarchy, are his pets…watch this movie in the dark, on VHS, and get close to the TV…

I know I should be rating the Evil Dead in the top five but I am sure Ash will forgive me. If you haven’t watched the Sam Raimi ‘Dead’ trilogy then you need to stop reading this right now and GO GET THE GOD DAMN MOVIES!!! The Evil Dead franchise was unlike anything else when it came out: equal parts horrifying acid trip and laugh out loud ruckus. A cabin in the woods story, that happens to be driven by one of the most outrageous character actors to ever grace celluloid: Bruce Freakin Campbell! Without which, Sam Raimi would not exist…it is Bruce’s portrayal of a blue collar dimensional chainsaw wielding warrior who paved the way for Spiderman. Nobody deliver lines better then Bruce, he’s like a the horror Genres Arnold, a rhetorical artiste who can drip melodrama and rip zombie flesh at the same time, “I’LL SWALLOW YOUR SOUL, I’LL SWALLOW YOUR SOUL…swallow this…”


Return of the Living Dead, takes off where Romero left off, and adds to the zombie mythology with humor and out of control situations. An eighties icon of midnight movie, this movie is made up wet sex, wet attitude and, wet zombies. But, what really makes this movie perfect for me, and why I have watched at least a hundred times, is the casting: they outstanding in their deft reading of not so deep lines…and all of it twists together to make a very very humane story of an inhumane night…not to mention, the zombies move with a purpose here, running even, tackling even, grabbing the CB radio and talking…ASKING, demanding…SEND MORE PARAMEDICS!!...send more brains…by the way…I feel like this could be the first time, the zombie focus on eating brains…an interesting spin on the ethos of the dead…why would a dead person crave brains?


The exorcist is truly terrifying…and here’s why: something in your heart, in the hearts of all humans, fears death, but there is something we fear even more than death: demonic possession! When I saw this as a kid, I was already set up for failure due to the fact that my mother caught me trying to watch it and turned it off saying, you are not old enough for that movie! When I asked why, she just mumbled something about it being, evil? DING DING DING, nothing attracts me more then when someone tells me I can’t do something, especially claiming its EVIL! So after all these year, this is still one of the best movies ever made, and like all great movies, it is even a better book…believe it or not… WATCH THIS IN THE DARK PEOPLE…


For anybody who has had a dick male figure in their lives, or has been exposed to a dick male figure, which unfortunately is everyone, the movie resonates. It is a story of a haunted house…but clearly, what fuckin scares the shit out of you, is the fact that the father is already a lunatic…drunk, alienated, defensive, and an alcoholic. He lashes out at the ones he ‘loves’, wrenching his sons arm, smacking his wife’s face…blaming every one for the role they play in distracting him from his life, keeping him from his life’s goals…he wants to be a writer…lol funny, but not so much when he types over and over again, clickety clack, tickety tack: all work and no play makes Jake a dull boy…then SMASHES his way through the bathroom door with an axe!!! This story is scary, but the reality of the emotions that a father may be fighting terrifying!


The absolute perfection of a rogue movie: made for nothing, silently advertised in a shadow box of mystery and allusion, great acting and an open ending that can be argued about. Even the camera is a bully, forcing you to participate, to distance yourself from the world in front of you, this idea of perspective is important and yet irritating, you want to grab the god damn screen and hold it in place and say wait! LOOK OVER THERE!!! This movie freaked me out, because I have been deep, deep, deep in the woods, and I have seen things from the past there…things covered up, and forgotten, things that might have been horrible when they existed…and who knows, what that means to exist…and who knows…maybe they aren’t…quite…dead…they aren’t quite gone…

1. THE THING (john carpenter)

The absolute best horror movie ever made.

Cold, isolated, trapped, and forced to face the fact that we are not alone…not in our base, not in our bodies, not even in our universe. Nothing has ever quite matched up to this movie for me…Rob Bottin’s effects, John Carpenter’s eerie score, a desolate, frozen, unfriendly, setting, the cocoon of characters forced to live, share, breathe, and die in the same, tight, dark, and unforgiving space…ALL of it comes together, and miraculously boils down to the most in your face, absolutely terrible, game of who is the murderer…who is human…

Friday, October 7, 2011

Friday, August 19, 2011


Because this guy just died...and there is one less mullet out there...

Movies I have just seen that rocked!!!

Here are a some new movies I've seen lately and want you to see...all good, none great, but ALL better than the usual mediocre crap the studios put forth in the summer time...I have SUMMER BLOCK BUSTERS!!!

First is a weird movie from Canada...starring Rutger-whats-his-name from The Hitcher the style of a classic 70's trash violence film, filmed in Technicolor!!!!

The next is a remake...well a long awaited sequel of a classic eighties series: Return to Sleepaway Camp!  This movie slid under my radar, and my radar for all things horror and cool is really good...but man...I missed this!  Watch WATCH....WATCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And finally, a gem about something violent happening to violent people...written and directed by the BUTCHER BROTHERS!!!  Now the movie is good...but the name, THE BUTCHER great...I hope my boys grow up to earn titles such as that...these guys work with Rob you know this will be coool! THE VIOLENT KIND!!!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Welcome to my world...welcome to my NIGHTMARE!!!

Well too all of who thought the world was going to end in 2012!!! You were one year off! Welcome to the world, part two to in my Antichrist tandem: Murphy Michael! And for all of you who are questioning the integrity of the namy “Murphy”, all I have to say is watch this…

Friday, May 13, 2011

Happy Birthday Gifts For All Of YOU!

So I've decided to make it a blog tradition. Every year, on my birthday, I will bless all of my E-Friends with tid-bits of cool in order to help them celebrate this epic occasion. And to everybody who 'gave' me something, even if it was just a shout out...THANK YOU!

Three People Who Are Cooler Than Us
(and share the same birth day as me!)
Tony Hawk (aka MR. Rad!)
by the way, I think bow tubbs used to rock jean shorts like these

George Carlin
Need I say more..

AND MY FAVORITE MOVIE STAR OF ALL TIME...well only when he stars in this? Emelio Estevez

Saturday, May 7, 2011



This band is what the white stripes wished they sounded like: hot, smooth, grating, sex...infectous.  When you listen to it, with someone, you almost can't help your self...that pulse in your pants, that flutter in your heart, that your stomach...that's the music, making you do things you only whisper about...

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Another reason for the end of the world...and why our music sucks so bad!

So to all of you who are paying money to itunes for home studio, googled melody, and harmonizer auto-tuned shit stain songs released by completely untalented cookie-cutter make-up faced pastel mush mouthed retards...please stop.

There is such a thing as art out there, and if you look hard enough, you just might find it in the past...


My Favorite Song Right NOW!!!!! BRAK RULES!!!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Movie you HAVE to SEE to BELIEVE!!!


This movie was out of control.  It reminded me of why I have made a pact this year to ignore anything rated PG-13.  PG-13 is just another guise for watered down, luke-warm piss...aka...the largest demographic of dull.  NOT THIS MOVIE!!!

If you don't know what this is about I'll give you a quick snap shot: Willem Defoe is married and is a successful therapist, he loves his wife, his house, his life...and of course his son...that is until said son playfully tumbles out the window...

I won't tell you anymore because I hate when people give things away...especially things like this.  But I will tell you what I think is happening here.  It's a portrait of pain no parent ever wants to feel, it is a baring of ones soul to a god that doesn't exist, it is a peek into the paper cut-out we call civilized society, and it is, and this is truly what I think this is is truly a look at the nature behind Nurture.

It is disturbing at times...wonderfully, artistically, sensationally, honestly, disturbing...just what I like to see in a movie about family.


P.S. don't know if you want to watch this with somebody...
P.S.S...Don't know if you want to watch this with nobody either?

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Why a HEAVEY GOD DAMND DOSE of Serj Tankian!!! can fix just about everything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

By the way, to all of you who still refuse to be cool, look at the faces at this show, people just like you, who got bitch slapped at a Foo Fighters gig, by a FUCKIN D.K. ANTHEM!!!!  And, by the looks on some of the females in the audience, they had NO FUCKIN CLUE what a D.K. ANTHEM WAS!!!!!!!!!!  Only the lone hard core with the long hair has any real knowledge...but I feel like the teenagers around him were too afraid of his sweet sweat to follow his Cool-Guy cues...heheheh

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Book you have to read: In to the Wild

So I read "Into the Wild" finally.  Written by Jon Krakauer, it tell the tale of a lost youth in search of something, a boy who becomes a man, a child all grown up, a son who has discovered the facades of life and has seen them for what they are...distractions.  We live our lives looking everywhere but where it matters, searching for truth in material things and common trajectories...but all the while, the reality is vested deeply in the heart, the mind, and the soul.

This is an OK book...but a Fantastic story, and an even better guide.S

READ READ READ...I don't want to say any more, cause no matter how many times one sees or hears about truth, one will never understand it until they have raced page to page and vale to vale, and river to river..and mountain to mountain.


For some reason I like this song...BLAME IT ON MY A.D.D. !!!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

My Favorite Band Right Now!

The "Snuff" Film

The idea that one can't "unsee" something has gotten me thinking.  I like the idea that something can be so disturbing, so raw, so potent, so...real, that just viewing it leaves scar tissue on the skull, bruises on the brain.  As a soldier, I have seen some things I find my self not being able to un-see, images, settings, even surprises, ironies and dystopias that juxtapose so hard with the notion of my naturally ignorant "assumptions" about the world.  Things I would call...funny, perhaps: A live cat struggling to hold a beer in its paws in Thailand; a little man beating the shit out of a giant camel, forcing it to collapse and contort its knobby limbs until it sat squashed, in the back of a micro-truck; a line of a hundred hungry humans in Hong Kong lined up, patiently watching "Popeye Cartoons" at a Popeye's Chicken.

All things that are disturbing in the way that a room is disturbing when a pair of dirty underwear has been left on the floor, or when the stench of someones shit still lingers in the latrine when you use it, the seat warmed to butt cheek level.

Nothing too bad though...nothing terrible.

But there are terrible things out there.  In America we film them and give them awards, fictions, fabrications, alienating the terror away from the heart, the mind, the soul...the eye.
It all starts with the eye...

Snuff Film is a documentary that tries to expose this notion, the idea that seeing something can be almost as powerful as doing it...and it is, in the heart of seeing something happen, lies a complicity, a participation.  In film theory, they call it a "suture", a moment when the fictional world on the screen becomes so harsh, so accurate, so "real", that for a moment, it becomes truth, it becomes the viewer, and the viewer in a way becomes, the viewed.

I know, I know, it doesn't make alot of sense, but I do think that there is a vast power sitting there in the dark, watching something you can't ever "unwatch".  Life lives in those moments, in those screams, in those tears...

In the end, the Snuff Movie may be fake, or it may be real, but after this documentary, as horrible as you may claim it is, one finds that it IS...necessary.

The Circle Jerks used to call this idea, The Rats of Reality...rodents that can never be forgotten, impervious to mans brainwashing and long lobotomy needles.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Countdown To SOCIAL D!!!!

So I was sitting here, drinking, and jamming to tunes on the ole I-tunes, when I realized that in one week I would be watching one of my very favorite Bands, Social Distortion, at a local venue in downtown Seattle. I love live music, the power, the undulation, the chaos, the anarchy, the stuffed cotton balls that fill your ears when you are sitting three feet from a tower of power, sound, vibrations, which ring so loud in your head that it’s hard to sleep, hard to forget, the sweat, the energy, the show.
Nothing, will ever replace that for me…no matter how many songs I collect in electronic form, the thousands upon thousands, none of it will ever have the sweet smell of hot stuffy teenage miasma…none of it will have the kinetic surge of a crowd pressing closer, closer, harder…until some poor sap raises their hand to get ejected.
We were not meant to listen to music alone.

We were meant to see it, smell it, and feel it.
I have heard many, many bands, and felt many, many crowds.
I am a concert junkie.
And in honor of all those shows…and in honor of my favorite bands…I give you this list.

My top eight musical performances-in no particular order

Who: Real Big Fish

Where: Downtown Nashville Tennessee, 328 Performance Hall

Few can rock harder than a SKA band, and if you ask me, nothing is more puck than a group of guys packing trumpets and trombones into the tattooed dives where music fights for acceptance. But then again, and like I said…not much rocks harder than SKA!

I saw this band and had to duck the swinging trombone…but never forgot how good loud, energetic music felt, that emphatic bounce still drives my heart forward on days when the clouds are all I can see…

Where: Again...Downtown Nashville Tennessee, 328 Performance Hall

Alot of people out there claim that they listen to punk, and I've come to realize, that punk, true disorderly conduct, is in the eye of the beholder, it's generational, it relies heavily on what you think is important in the world, what it is you are saying FUK YOU TOO!!!!  And on that note, I do believe NOFX puts on a "Punk" show better than any other, and nothing today, that kids buy, and fabricate in HOT TOPIC, even remotely resembles them...when i finally saw Fat Mike and his lovely crew, I couldn't help but smile passed the dirty uneven shoestring that hung in my face, that dangled from the scrawny adolescent leg, that clung to the piping in the ceiling...all the while, the show just went it ought to.

Who: The Offspring

Where: Lots of places...Starwood Amphitheatre, Showbox SODO, and the TACOMA DOME!

For those of you who know me, you know one of my favorite bands of all time is the god damned Offspring...and you may all wonder why I chose them as something to identify with. Well here is the history: It all started in Airborne school.  You see, every morning I woke up there, I was nervous about doing well in training, I was nervous about jumping out of perfectly good air planes, and I was nervous about, well in order to handle this stress, at five in the morning, I would poke my head in to my wall locker, and push play on my CD player and crank this was truly the first time I ever FELT what it meant to be empowered by music...the sounds of Dexter Holland screaming about over coming adversity not only hit a nerve with me, but it drove something home deep to my core, something I would always look to in times of frustration and doubt...and oh by the way, they put on a pretty great GOD DAMNED show too!

Who:  Stoned Temple Pilots

Where: Starwood amphitheatre, Tennessee

I saw these guys while I was in the Active Army, and went with my buddy at the time. It was a hot summer day, and there were only two bands on the bill, STP and Cheap Trick…and as it turns out, there were actually people there that came to see Cheap Trick.

I was not one of those people.

Scot Weiland, is one of the best rock front men I’ve ever seen, and controls the crowd, his train wreck persona is perfect when played at a hundred and fifty decibels.

Who: The Tea Party

Where: The Strathcona Hotel, Victoria, B.C.

Hands down, one of the best bands I've seen...ever.
The best rock band I've ever known, and they played their last show, in front of just a few fans, an unschedualed event, a return to the bar where they made there names.

The best part about this concert: it was during our honeymoon, and it was my wifes first rock show...nothing better than a live show in Canada...happy people smoking weed, and enjoying eachothers company.

By the way, the lead singer is a dead ringer for Morrison...

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Witch Hunt?

     Wikipedia defines this concept as “…a search for witches or evidence of witchcraft, often involving moral panic, mass hysteria and lynching, but in historical instances also legally sanctioned and involving official witchcraft trials”.

      This concept is one that haunts me. It is one of the reasons I think hard every day, and work harder to make sure I fully understand just what a cultural sin this MORAL PANIC is. It is one of the reasons why I am writing this blog…to tell you all, that witch hunts happen…today, outside, IN YOUR NEIGHBORHOODS, and they are not random acts of insanity, rather, and more horrible then existing, they are SANCTIONED!

Sure…witch hunts happen in third world gutters where the hangman’s noose is tight from use, but they also exist…right here…in your backyard, in your house…even in your family.

Which brings me to my movie selection: Witch Hunt

     Witch Hunt is a modern day American disgrace, a savage sacrifice of justice and logic. Produced by fellow weirdo and idiosyncratic thinker, Sean Penn, Witch Hunt takes us on an up close and personal journey through an eighties butt rock nightmare, a Bakersfield bureaucratic bungle, in which a handful of children claimed sexual abuse, a charge coerced by ill equipped law enforcement in order to pin hideously graphic sins to the only witches worthy of such satanic sustenance…their own parents.

Mullets whimper in disbelief as blue collar couples are systematically charged, arrested and arraigned under the thunderous accusations, WITNESS TESTIMONY, and all of the non-evidence one backwards ass county can muster. Hard working, every day, people, people like you and me, suddenly find themselves hoping that its all just a shitty joke, praying that it’s all just a glitch, a wrinkle in the logic of law, laughing days away in disbelief, as they wait, for their chance in court to set the record strait…

Only problem with our legal system, a system built on numbers, and convictions, and success and money are directly attached to the amount of time wasted working diligently, filing motions, and paying county clerks, life behind bars begins to add up…there is no easy way out, even if you are “right”.

Days…and weeks…and months pass by, and all of a sudden…being an innocent in jail, in prison, IN SAN FUCKING QUENTIN!, doesn’t feel as good as say a plea bargain…

Flip, flip, turn, turn, and all of a sudden a wavering prosecutor has a pocketful of power, a handful of confessions.
Is it still a confession when pain, pressure, guilt and fear are applied?
Are those “confessions” worth someone’s life?

To think that every day in America, the land of the free, land of justice, we falsely imprison people, using archaic coercive techniques, techniques founded in an ancient tradition of punishment…

It seems we have no need for innocence, just a notion of blood for blood.
A tradition of witch HUNTING!
 At least the religious fundamentalists had the personal courage to rip the suspect’s guts out with a knotted cord, robbing the suspect’s life in an up close and physical way…

…now we just use a expensive court system, a legally sanctioned chop-chop square, where we can hunt, serve up, and lop off our fear, the infected limb…and so what if we might be wrong…some of the time…

Sunday, January 16, 2011


The Crazies

In 1974 George Romero wrote and directed another cultural classic, The Crazies. It is a classic political diatribe about the Viet Nam war, and is both powerful and timeless. It centers on a small town in rural Pennsylvania, which unbeknownst to them, has been infected by a mysterious virus when their water system becomes contaminated. The government shows up, in force, not to help, but to contain. Anarchy ensues as the Army struggles to hold the line, and the trapped fight to escape. Making things, worse, or perhaps better, is the fact that the primary symptom of the disease is that it changes its victims into murderous psychotics. Ultimately, like all not-so efficient military operations, the shit hits the fan, forcing the wigs to push the button, and smash the problem into nuclear oblivion.

This movie reminds me of why all new shit is shit, done on a budget of less than half a million, it makes up production cost with real world locations, and real world political backdrops, not fabricated “good-ideas”. Narrative power is tied directly to the immediacy of the subject to the audience; in order for a viewer to “buy” in to you ruse, he needs to be sutured the things he his observing. Nothing, not hundred million dollar sets, or forces glycerin tears, or even pseudo under age sexuality, can guarantee authenticity…but authenticity can guarantee immediacy. Low budget, especially in film, can force truth and truth brings emotional and intellectual value.

In The Crazies, Romero rides many authentic things: real world actors, real world locales, and real world politics. All of which make this movie successful, far more successful than the shitty PG-13 Hollywood Tween mall flicks the execs shove down our throat every summer.

In particular, a scene I thought I owned, the crazed grandmother knitting, seated in her shit stained nighty, twirling, and twirling yarn, needles kneading hot air in little lobotomy-sized circles, until she ravels the yarn and has a man attached to the other end…a sick sight, one with some truth attached: we do keep old people locked up, even if they are crazy…sometimes when they’re not.

P.S. Oh yeah…one other thing…this movie also talks about military occupation…in particular…the way in which with dealt with Viet Nam. Many things about the “police Action” are demonstrated, from the way the protagonists are lead by two hi strung veterans, one regular grunt who is the more effective survivor but more unstable mind and a “Special Forces Hero” who is not all that heroic…to a complete replay of the infamous self immolation of the monk on T.V…this time acted out by a catholic under the influence of the situation. It all asks…would we be able to handle the war as solidly as the Vietnamese did…a war of occupation?

Final verdict: WATCH THIS MOVIE!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Brain Butter WORDS Version- episode #1: The Lucifer Principle

       I just got done reading "The Lucifer Principle" by Howard Bloom, and all I can say!  This book packs a punch in the gut for those who hold tightly to the notion that we are are smarter than the average monkey, it rubs raw, the brittle balloon we call "individuality" and enlightenment.  In a few hundred pages, this book, slams the shit filled ideological pampers we call 'humanity' and replaces it with rubbed raw flesh and gnashing teeth, bare, exposed, nobs of nasty nature and beastly beginings; leaving the reader rocking in unabashed hypnosis, picking at the scabs of delusion.

     It is a rough exposing uncomfortable ride into the real biological ramifications of multiculturalism and evolutionary systems.  It seems, according to Bloom, we are savage at heart, deeper than that, we are barbaric in nature...first and foremost we are out to get whats ours.  Now i know you all know that already, the idea of the savage monkey is not a new one, but that's where Bloom's specialization becomes important, he is a cultural anthropologist.


      In this perspective, the biologist looks at the world as large viscous chunks, BLOBS, giant ten-member...hundred member...million member...BILLION MEMBER, organized systems of brutal dominance and death.  Bloom articulates in a hundred historical ways just how dominant our species is, dominant, organized by memes, and willing to sacrifice everything in order to sustain the gene.

     And just what does this mean to you?

     It means that while you are reading this, or praying to Allah, or beating off in those few quiet moments before the family gets home from soccer...whether you know it or not, or even want are participating in the process that continues the meme.  You are PART of the process, either directly as the cop is when he stomps the ever loving shit out of the protester, or indirectly, as in when that hurried mother drives past the bleeding protester because the kids want McDonald's.

      And the worst part?

     I don't a bee in bee hive, Bloom says, that we are all linked to the hive, genetically sutured to all it does, even before humane rationality, and according to Bloom, the Super Organism is the "True" shape of the human species, not the drone, or the doctor, or the bored college student.


     Bottom Line?   BLOOMY HAS A POINT!  Quiet few of them to be exact...